Last edit: 2016-04-19 08:19:00.
KILIMANJARO CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY OPTHALMOLOGYOrganization ProfileThe Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology (KCCO) was found in 2001 and is registered as an independent entity in Tanzania and South Africa. KCCO activities are mainly r, programs and training. KCCO operates in more than seven (7) African countries running, v2020 programs ( supporting surgical outreaches and capacity building and equipping the eye departments), Child and eye health programs, Trachoma surgical outreaches and vision centers programs.
NTD activities supported in 2014/15The main NTD activities since 2014 run by KCCO include, TT surgical outreaches funded through TOMS, END fund, Diamond Jubilee Trust and DFID, Also operation research in the line of trachoma elimination.
Best Practice/lessons to shareOutreach organization and challenged involved in Masai areas, use of microfinance and eye health as a strategy for community awareness, areas of interest in the NTDCP & Commitments 2015/2016 andTT surgical activities, operational research and capacity building.
Recommendations & conclusionStrengthening Collaboration and experience sharing among countries and partners within the country. Encourage conducting of operation research during services delivery for development of publishable document that can be extended to be used with other diseases with more or less similar trend of presentation within the African regio.